Community Guidelines
Help us maintain a supportive and productive environment for everyone
Stick to Relevant Topics
Ensure your posts align with GradWinner's vision and goals. Irrelevant posts will not be approved. If you believe your post adds value, contact us with the necessary details for consideration.
Zero Tolerance for Hate Speech or Bullying
Any form of abusive, degrading, or harmful language is strictly prohibited and will result in immediate action, including potential bans. Let's foster a safe and inclusive environment for everyone.
Practice Respect and Kindness
Treat all members with respect and courtesy. Healthy debates are welcome, but they must remain constructive and respectful.
No Spam or Self-Promotion
Posts promoting personal pages, blogs, or unrelated content will be removed. If you'd like to collaborate or share valuable information, contact us.
Avoid Sharing Personal Links
Sharing personal YouTube links, blogs, or external websites is not allowed unless explicitly pre-approved. For collaboration opportunities or inquiries, contact us.
Seek Help Transparently
When asking for help, clearly describe your issue in the comments so others can contribute and learn. Avoid vague requests such as "Please inbox us".
Search Before Posting
Many common questions have already been addressed. Use the search function to find answers before creating a new post.
Respond with Accuracy
Share answers only if you’re confident in your knowledge. Incorrect or misleading information can cause confusion, so let’s prioritize accuracy.
Clarify Post Rejections
If your post is rejected, review the guidelines for possible reasons. For further clarification, contact us
Avoid Duplicate Content
Reposting duplicate or previously shared content will result in removal. If your post contains new or updated information, contact us for approval.
Need Further Clarification?
If you have any questions about these guidelines, please contact us.